04 76 38 47 91 contact@ap-composites.fr




My interest in team and competition challenges combined with fifteen years of experience in PME (small and middle sized companies) and industrial groups enabled me to learn how to buy, to manage, to sell in France and abroad, I have learnt tenacity and how to step back to deal with high-stake situations. I learnt how to put myself in question from the time when I used to practice horse-riding. I was taught to incriminate the horse only after having tried everything. I pay particular attention to do the same with our team, our customers and our partners.
As a team leader, I find this compromise in AP Composites which allows us to blossom, to take pride in our work with a positive state of mind and a focus towards our eco system.



In charge of administration and selling

As the person in charge of administration and selling, my goal is to facilitate the flows between AP Composites and the people concerned with it: customers, suppliers, partners…
As I am naturally well organized, I am reacting when exchanging with them and I never procrastinate what I can do at once.
After my first experience in a very big company, I feel at ease in human-sized PME in which the word “team spirit” means something in the everyday work, to such a point that within five years I anticipate our activity will develop more products on its own. As for me, I can imagine myself with a permanent smile talking in English with international customers.


In charge of production

As I was present when AP Composite was created, I attended the conception, the growth and observed the maturity of the enterprise all along with the same pleasure. During these years, I contributed in all the functional areas, that is why today, I know the workshop and processing, I have garnished firsthand experience and understanding which helps me to answer our customers’ requests.
Being naturally supportive, I supervise the production team: first of all, to listen, to facilitate team connections and to adapt myself so that everybody can find their place.
I do appreciate Julien’s new approach: I am looking toward the future as we develop new projects and continue to explore: 3D printing, process consisting in laying material, a technique not so far from our present simultaneous projection.


14 technicians are in charge of every stage of manufacturing orders: design, preparation and maintenance of tools, gel coating, molding, demolding, trimming, assembling, finishing, control…


We rely on a coordinator who optimizes the delivery of items through an organized flow of production. A dedicated fellow worker ensures finishing process and control of all the goods before sending.